Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!!

I hope all of you are able to celebrate this special day with your loved ones!! Because Jeff is gone today, we celebrated our valentines day over the course of the last week or so. We painted all of our toenails (yes, even daddy got his painted), we made valentines cookies, cupcakes, a heartshaped chocolate fudge layer cake. Earlier this week Jeff & I were able to go to this amazing sweetheart dinner for the church. Also this week I went to MOPS and with these sweet Christian ladies discussed intimacy as husband and wife. It really was an inspiring experience and I felt so encouraged to be a better wife to my husband and increase intimacy on all levels so we can have a truly fulfilling relationship and a happier eternal family!

Last night I made a yummy dinner of NY steaks, shrimp, asparagus, twice baked potatoes & fresh fruit salad (sorry no pictures - couldn't find the camera). It's so nice to break out the fancy dishes once in a while! (The china we used last night has been in our family for many generations). Last night we also exchanged homemade valentines & had family home evening about the Tree of Life dream the prophet Lehi had, and we discussed the Love of God & how to feel God's love with the kids. How appropriate!

So here's me wishing all my friends and family a special valentines day in which you are able to recharge your relationships and express love for one another!


Becky said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Tiffanie!

Josie said...

Happy Valentines!! I love your side bar pictures, you have a cute family.

Janae @ Bring-Joy said...

I love your celebratory attitude. You really make things fun and special for your family. I'm going to try to be more organized when it comes to celebrating holidays. Hope you had a good Valentine's day!
